Our activities

Discover the Algarve in a different way with Nuno and Sandra, our guides who love their region. en vous immergeant au cœur de ses paysages spectaculaires, grâce à une multitude d’activités outdoor. Que vous soyez amateur de randonnée, passionné d’excursions ou curieux de sa gastronomie locale,
laissez-vous séduire par toute la richesse et l’authenticité de l’Algarve.
Entre falaises majestueuses, plages sauvages et villages pittoresques, l’Algarve offre des sentiers variés et des panoramas à couper le souffle, parfaits pour explorer à pied. Chaque parcours vous révèle des trésors cachés et vous plonge dans une atmosphère authentique, empreinte de culture et de charme.
Préparez-vous à vivre une expérience inoubliable en pleine nature, où chaque étape est une invitation à la découverte et à l’Evasion

Randonnées et excursions
for the senses
Nature reserves, cliffs overlooking the sea, wild and unspoilt nature, typical villages with whitewashed walls,
the Algarve regorge de trésors naturels et cachés ainsi que des paysages insoupçonnés
The Algarve is an endearing region that enjoys a mild climate throughout the year, then do not hesitate, find all our activities
and it’s up to you to choose the one that inspires you !

Trail Running
You are passionate about outdoor sports and large spaces, you want to discover the Algarve while running, our Running stages will allow you to surpass yourself in an exceptional setting.
Beginners will be able to discover this discipline smoothly, the most expereinced will be able to make elevation gain and enjoy the fun of the race... To each his goals !

Séjours randonnées
"clé en mains"
Bouclez vos valises et laissez-vous guider !
NB Evasion vous a concocté un séjour en Algarve, "clé en main" où tout est pensé pour partir en vacances l'esprit tranquille et bénéficiez d'une semaine de total lâchez-prise.
L'Algarve recèle de trésors naturels que allez découvrir lors de votre voyage ! Réserves naturelles, falaises, plages de sable blanc et petits villages blancs... un vrai paradis pour les amateurs de randonnées et de nature.
Track game for children and adults
Olhão, stories and legends

Visit in having fun !
On the way to an exciting track game that combines team spirit and insight.
A fun and autonomous activity that encourages young and old to observe around them. Share a cultural and friendly moment with family or friends on a course lasting approximately 1h30.
While discovering the city of Olhão, through its history, heritage and legends, participants will be asked to solve riddles that will allow them to complete the course and for the children, the most discerning, to win a reward.
Our philosophy

For us, there is no better way to know the secrets of a region that as you travel its paths and paths on foot... in hiking or trail version, you will be amazed by so much beauty.
And for our greatest pleasure, the Algarve offers a wide variety of itineraries, between land and sea. We can say without hesitation that there are courses in the Algarve for all lovers of nature and wide open spaces.
All our itinareries have something in common : they make it possible to disconnect from a virtual and stressful world, to be in communion with Nature, to awaken all our senses, smell the scents of this region while enjoying the most beautiful landscapes this country offers ; air and space bubbles that guarantee you encounters, well-being and wonder.
Come back to the essential... Take a TIME !